April 25, 2011

Things to be Considered in Drawing Symbols and Diagrams

Drawing circuit diagrams is not a hard task but it will take some practice to make a neat, clear and quality diagrams. This is a useful skill for a would-be electronic draftsman like you. You will surely need to draw electronic diagrams if you plan to design your own circuits in the future. Below are some things that you should consider when constructing diagrams.

  • Use the correct symbols for each component.
  • Use a ruler when connecting parts with a line.
  • Place a blob (.), spot of color, at each intersection between wires.
  • Mark components such as resistors and diodes with reference ID, part number and value.
  • Make sure that the positive (+) supply is positioned at the top and the negative (-) at the bottom.
  • In a complex circuit, arrange the diagram so that the signals flow from left to right.
  • Place the inputs and controls to the left side and the outputs to the right.


Anonymous said...

I wish I had known this blog when I was in college! Really cool informative site you've got.