October 5, 2011

Resistors in SERIES configuration

When resistors are connected end-to-end so that there is only one path for the flow of electric current, the resistors are said to be series connected.

The effective resistance of a series circuit depends on the number and the value of resistors connected in the circuit. The more resistors connected in series, the higher the effective resistance of the circuit. The higher the resistance of the circuit the more the opposition there is to the flow of electric current.
Below are the rules to be followed in computing the unknown quantities in series circuit.
  1. The total resistance (RT) is equal to the sum of the individual resistances.
    RT = R1 + R2 + R3 + ... + RN

  2. The current is the same throughout the circuit.
    IT = I1 = I2 = I3 = ... = IN

  3. The total voltage (ET) is equal to the sum of individual voltage drops across each resistor.
    ET = E1 + E2 + E3 + ... + EN

  4. The total power (PT) is equal to the sum of individual power dissipated by each resistor.
    PT = P1 + P2 + P3 + ... + PN

The numerical subscripts refer to the individual resistance, current, voltage or power of the circuit. The subscript “T” represents the total or effective resistance, current, voltage or power of the circuit.


Resistors in series circuit
ET = 100
R1 = 50 ohms
R2 = 150 ohms

  1. RT
  2. IT
  3. E1
  4. E2

  1. PT
  2. P1
  3. P2

Compute for RT.

RT = R1+R2
RT = 50Ω+150Ω
RT = 200Ω
After getting RT, calculate the total current using ohm’s law.

IT = 100v/200Ω
IT = 0.5A
Since the individual current and resistance are given, you can now solve for the value of individual voltage using ohm’s law.
E1 = I1R1
E1 = (0.5A)(50Ω)
E1 = 25V

E2 = I2R2
E2 = (0.5A)(150Ω)
E2 = 75V
Proving the rule for voltage.
ET = E1 + E2
100V = 25V + 75V
100V = 100V
Solve for the value of PT and individual powers P1 and P2 using the power formula P = IE
PT = (0.5A)(100V)
PT = 50W

P1 = I1E1
P1 = (0.5A)(25V)
P1 = 12.5W

P2 = I2 E2
P2 = (0.5A)(75V)
P2 = 37.5W
Proving the rule for power.
PT = P1 + P2
50W = 12.5W + 37.5W
50W = 50W

Resistors in series configuration


IT = 2A
R1 = 25Ω
R2 = 50Ω
R3 = 75Ω 

  1. RT
  2. ET
  3. E1
  4. E2
  5. E3

  1. PT
  2. P1
  3. P2
  4. P3

Compute for the value of RT
RT = R1+R2+R3
RT = 25Ω+50Ω+75Ω
RT = 150Ω
Solve for the total voltage (ET) of the circuit using ohm’s law.
ET = (IT)(RT)
ET = (2A)(150Ω)
ET = 300V
Current is the same throughout the circuit. IT = I1 = I2 = I3 = 2A
Solve for the individual voltage using ohm’s law.
E1 = I1R1
E1 = (2A)(25Ω)
E1 = 50V

E2 = I2R2
E2 = (2A)(50Ω)
E2 = 100V

E3 = I3R3
E3 = (2A)(75Ω)
E3 = 150V
Proving the rule for voltage in series circuit.
ET = E1 + E2 +E3
300V = 50V + 100V + 150V
300V = 300V
Compute for PT and individuals power, P1, P2 and P3.
PT = (2A)(75A)
PT = 600W

P1 = I1E1
P1 = (2A)(50V)
P1 = 100W

P2 = I2E2
P2 = (2A)(100V)
P2 = 200W

P3 = I3E3
P3 = (2A)(150V)
P3 = 300W
Proving the rule for power in series circuit.
PT = P1 + P2 +P3
600W = 100W + 200W + 300W
600W = 600W